Sunday, March 16, 2014

Luxury or necessity?

Luxury or necessity?

We often think of luxuries as expensive items: that wonderful new perfume, first class air travel, a car, etc. Everyone wants to show off her looks and everything that is fashionable. We mostly think about luxury then necessity. We care only about new fashionable things and expensive. If something is very ugly but expensive most of us will buy it ,cause its luxury. They will talk about how expensive it is and from where it  is.but if they see very nice thing but not expensive i don't thing that  most of us will buy it because others will know that its not expensive and and its bad for their career. Now most of us think like that especially Celebrities (singers, actors  ,designer ,) but first of all i think we must thing about necessity not luxury . I think that in other countries they don't do like we do. They think more about necessity then luxury.

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