Sunday, March 16, 2014

Internet influence

Nowadays everybody have computers and internet connections. Teenagers spend 90% of the day on internet. They do nothing . They can spent hours watching at the screen of computer or phone. They don't read books don't do their homework and don't play with each other don't go for a walk. They look for internet connection everywhere . They start a conversation and type all the day . I cant imagine what is going to be with us,with our generation. Like i understand that its wrong  but i do the same that others , spend my day next to computer on Facebook,Instagram,twitter and other stupid websites. I cant do my homework because i want to read all the last news watch funny videos play games listen to music and chat with my friends. Computer has bad influence at your eyes and not only . You don't want to go to bed because you don't want to switch off your computer or when you do it you turn on your phone. I don't know what to do solve the problem. We must do something

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