Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nowadays people are very smart and developed. They have crazy ideas and create things that about 10 years ago we couldn't have imagined could exist.Things like cellphones. When the first cellphones were made they didn't have capabilities like they have nowadays. People couldn't take pictures, make videos, listen to music or have internet on their cellphones. You would use video cameras for videos, you had mp3s for listening to music and you had a TV if you wanted to watch a movie. Our cellphones have all these capabilities now.
We read books on our cellphones, take pics,make videos, play games, watch movies, make video calls, send voice messages and do stuff like that.  Nowadays people spend most of their time on their phones doing stuff  like sending pics to  each other or playing games on their cellphones.Even two year old babies do that.  And when people go for a walk they always look for places that provide free internet. People are like robots. They only need internet.No friends, no relatives. Just internet.  Its wrong. I agree that internet helps you ,makes your life easier but it also harms you. When i read about people's future plans i wanna die. I don't want to be a robot wasting my time on cellphones. i don't want any i-rings or i-watches and other stuff. I want golden rings with diamonds not rings with functions.

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