Sunday, February 9, 2014

Corruption is very popular in Armenia.  I don't know how much corruption there is in other countries but in our country there is a lot of corruption. For example if someone wants to graduate from a university without having good grades, his or her parents will pay money for it but this doesnt happen in other countries.
About 70% of our country works for their friends or relatives. I think its good to help your friends and relatives but  giving a job to a friend who has no idea about the field is not a good idea.
-Hey buddy, How are you
-fine thanks. How are you doing?
-I'm not doing good at all. i have no money no job i don't know what to do. can you help me?
After this conversation you feel bad for your relative and  give a job. Doesnt matter if he  he can work good enough or not you employ your relative(s) just to help them.  But it is wrong. If i were a boss of a big company I would give jobs to only friends or relatives who know about the field,who could work perfectly and help my business grow and develop.
But i cant say anything now because I'm not an adult and i don't know how it feels to reject your friends and relatives.


  1. what about giving them (friends and/or relatives) a chance, do you believe in it?

    1. If your friend or relative is close for you and he/she is a good person why not?you can give a chance
