Sunday, March 16, 2014

Luxury or necessity?

Luxury or necessity?

We often think of luxuries as expensive items: that wonderful new perfume, first class air travel, a car, etc. Everyone wants to show off her looks and everything that is fashionable. We mostly think about luxury then necessity. We care only about new fashionable things and expensive. If something is very ugly but expensive most of us will buy it ,cause its luxury. They will talk about how expensive it is and from where it  is.but if they see very nice thing but not expensive i don't thing that  most of us will buy it because others will know that its not expensive and and its bad for their career. Now most of us think like that especially Celebrities (singers, actors  ,designer ,) but first of all i think we must thing about necessity not luxury . I think that in other countries they don't do like we do. They think more about necessity then luxury.

Internet influence

Nowadays everybody have computers and internet connections. Teenagers spend 90% of the day on internet. They do nothing . They can spent hours watching at the screen of computer or phone. They don't read books don't do their homework and don't play with each other don't go for a walk. They look for internet connection everywhere . They start a conversation and type all the day . I cant imagine what is going to be with us,with our generation. Like i understand that its wrong  but i do the same that others , spend my day next to computer on Facebook,Instagram,twitter and other stupid websites. I cant do my homework because i want to read all the last news watch funny videos play games listen to music and chat with my friends. Computer has bad influence at your eyes and not only . You don't want to go to bed because you don't want to switch off your computer or when you do it you turn on your phone. I don't know what to do solve the problem. We must do something

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nowadays people are very smart and developed. They have crazy ideas and create things that about 10 years ago we couldn't have imagined could exist.Things like cellphones. When the first cellphones were made they didn't have capabilities like they have nowadays. People couldn't take pictures, make videos, listen to music or have internet on their cellphones. You would use video cameras for videos, you had mp3s for listening to music and you had a TV if you wanted to watch a movie. Our cellphones have all these capabilities now.
We read books on our cellphones, take pics,make videos, play games, watch movies, make video calls, send voice messages and do stuff like that.  Nowadays people spend most of their time on their phones doing stuff  like sending pics to  each other or playing games on their cellphones.Even two year old babies do that.  And when people go for a walk they always look for places that provide free internet. People are like robots. They only need internet.No friends, no relatives. Just internet.  Its wrong. I agree that internet helps you ,makes your life easier but it also harms you. When i read about people's future plans i wanna die. I don't want to be a robot wasting my time on cellphones. i don't want any i-rings or i-watches and other stuff. I want golden rings with diamonds not rings with functions.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Corruption is very popular in Armenia.  I don't know how much corruption there is in other countries but in our country there is a lot of corruption. For example if someone wants to graduate from a university without having good grades, his or her parents will pay money for it but this doesnt happen in other countries.
About 70% of our country works for their friends or relatives. I think its good to help your friends and relatives but  giving a job to a friend who has no idea about the field is not a good idea.
-Hey buddy, How are you
-fine thanks. How are you doing?
-I'm not doing good at all. i have no money no job i don't know what to do. can you help me?
After this conversation you feel bad for your relative and  give a job. Doesnt matter if he  he can work good enough or not you employ your relative(s) just to help them.  But it is wrong. If i were a boss of a big company I would give jobs to only friends or relatives who know about the field,who could work perfectly and help my business grow and develop.
But i cant say anything now because I'm not an adult and i don't know how it feels to reject your friends and relatives.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

I think that advertisement can help business growth, because when companies advertise their products, people get information about the product, like how to use it, the address and phone number of the company. I think that the key to your business growth is good advertising. If your company has good advertising, the people will buy the products or use the service. I can't say anything about disadvantages and advantages of using advertisement in promoting business. In my opinion advertising is a very good idea for business growth. The only thing you need is a good advertisement, and the people will love it. If your advertisement is not so good, people will find many reasons to not use your product. In Armenia advertisements are developed in the country. Mostly television, mobile, online, newspaper and billboard advertisements are used. Here television advertisements are translated from another language to Armenian. A few advertisements are made by Armenians. As i mentioned before mobile advertisement is developed. However in my opinion mobile advertisements are not as good, because when they call I get angry and I think other people do too.

Friday, January 31, 2014